Category Archives: Teknologi

Melihat top sites di indonesia

Sebagai tolok ukur keberhasilan dari sebuah website yaitu datangnya traffic yang tinggi yang berarti seringnya sebuah website di kunjungi oleh pengguna internet.

Untuk melihatnya bisa di buka dari situs yang memang memfokuskan pada hal ini yaitu ALEXA di website ini  di cantumkan website seluruh dunia yang masuk 500 besar.

Website paling sering di kunjungi dari  Indonesia  bisa di buka di sini .

Berikut list dari rangking web yang di kunjungi dari indonesia



This morning I try post via new software that I had installed yesterday. The software called Post2Blog it is the other way posting without login to the administrator area in my blog. Is most easier and also have good performance like Microsoft words. My first post is very easier and fast and this software very helpful to post to our blog.

You can find the software in their official web and this software actually free to use without pay any dollar in there. This is the site link to download this software Post2Blog. Let’s get post to blog now.

Install LDAP Plugin in WordPress WP-MU

Simple think to do when our wordpress WP-Mu want to be connected to LDAP server authentication. Simple but make me headcahe, I need few time to found this. About one month I was explore in the  internet also try develop it so difficult brother. Finally  yesterday I got from the the  plugin developed by Aaron chunk.

Ok let’s start to install it just follop this instruction:

1. Download the plugin Download

2. Extrac it into ->> /public_html/wp-content/mu-plugins/ (depend on your wpmu folder)

3. Setting from the browsher WP-Mu admin.