Monthly Archives: July 2008

Lost Password in Linux Centos

Boot from cd rom using dvd centos installation and write “linux rescue” enter the following  command until mount file image “chroot /mnt/sisimage/

Edit /etc/shadow to remove

if you can do this, just type “passwd” once you are in and change it to whatever you like. Or just edit /etc/shadow to remove the password field: move to just beyond the first “:” and remove everything up to the next “:”. With vi, that would be “/:” to move to the first “:”, space bar once, then “d/:” and ENTER. You’ll get a warning about changing a read-only file; that’s normal. Before you do this, /etc/shadow might look like:



and after, the first few lines should be:

You’ll need to force the write: with vi, “:wq!”.

write “Exit’. system automatically restart.

Study media

Perekonomian meletakkan kekuatan media di dalam proses ekonomi dan struktur ekonomi media . Proses keuangan struktur media, bagaimana dalam keuangan media itu kekuasaan ada pada siapa berpengaruh atau tidak terhadap struktur media (murdock). Ideologi sebagai kesadaran palsu seperti iming iming kelihatan bagus pada kenyataanya nggak bagus hanya untuk kepetingan orang orang tertentu.


Praktek monopolisasi …. bisa konsentrasi bisa keanekaragaman audience , kepemilikan, cenderung ke diversifikasi atau konsentrasi. Kita rela dengan rela meninggalkan kerja untuk nonton tv.

Pandangan media di kombinasi yang arahnya pemikiran pluralis dan kemudia marxis. Kalau para pluralis menganilis media tujuanya performonce untung atau tidak untung.Kalau marxis menjelaskan isi media itu berkaitan bagaimana media itu di biayai, apa yang ada dimedia di trace yang berhubungan dengan keuangan

Buku yang mesti di cari Boyd-barret, oleverand and crist newbold, 1995, approaches to media, a readder, new york : arlnod.

Albarran, Alan B, 2006.Handk Book of media Management Economic, New Jersey:LEA

The Study of the media Theoretical approaches

The Power of the media : Theory and Empiricism

To a remarkable extent , there  was a broad consensus during the inter-war period — to which many researchers, writing from a ‘right’ as well as ‘left’ prespective subcribed – that the mass media exercised a powerfull and persuasive influence. Underlying this concensus  was (1) the creation of mass audiences on a scale that was unprecedented through the application of new technology – the rotary press, film and radio to the mass production of communication ; (2) a fasionable though not unchallenged view that urbanization and industralization had created a society that was volatile, unstable, rootless, alianated and inherently  susceptible to manipulation; (3) linked to a view of urbanized man as being relatively defenceless, an easy prey to mass communication since he was no longer anchored in the network of social relations and stable, inherited values that chareterized settled, rural communities; (4) anecdotal but seemingly persuasive evidence that mass media had brainwashed people during world war 1, and engineered the rise of fascism in europe between the wars.


Yesterday I felt so busy in my Job. I preparing for my server hosting to create blog  user for every student in my office. I have a little knowledge in programming Epecially PHP.  I should learns from many sources google is the best source to find the answer. In the afternoon I went to my Lovely campus take study again with my lecture mr santoso one of It expert  in depkominfo.  Finished at 9.10 gathered with my friends to get dinner in pejompongan “nasi goreng kambing” that is great food for me. Back home and get to sleep long night. ciayoooo…

Unique From Yahoo! Logo

Possibly from here we all not know about the unique  from  yahoo logo Let us see carefully  yahoo logo here:

Have  you found the unique from the logo, surely not cause you have not involved mouse and speaker to find  on the  unique,  so here the key: tries to enlarge your  voice of volume speaker and points pointer mouse towards exclamation mark from yahoo! logo



Simply exclamation mark from the logo you can click and in click will heard someone voice who is yelling word Yahoooooooooooooooo!!!
Cool bro!!!!